Several folks have asked whether I am aware that I misspelled one of the words, crumudgeon, in the title of my blog. I am aware that the correct spelling is curmudgeon, but believe it or not youngcurmudgeon was already in use. I liked the title and figured I'd just spell it the way I think it should be spelled and then write a humorous piece explaining how/why I'm right. Stay tuned for said humor.

Friday, May 29, 2009

You mean not all pot smokers become meth addicts?

The war on drugs has been a colossal waste of money and has destroyed millions of lives. In other words, it's been just as stupid as its name.

One of the foundational arguments of those advocating complete prohibition of all drugs has been the gateway theory. You know this one. It posits that marijuana should be illegal and those who use and sell the insidious herb should do hard jail time because using marijuana inevitably leads to using heroin, crack, and crystal meth, which then leads to wild crime sprees.

As I'm sure those reading this (if anyone is) can attest, this is not exactly always what happens. I'm sure a few of you have sampled, or experimented, with the green demon.

Here's a link to a great piece on the overwhelming research that points to the fact that the gateway myth is just that - a myth supported by ideology, propaganda, and a need to keep certain drugs illegal so others (alcohol industry and big pharm) can keep their profits up.

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