Several folks have asked whether I am aware that I misspelled one of the words, crumudgeon, in the title of my blog. I am aware that the correct spelling is curmudgeon, but believe it or not youngcurmudgeon was already in use. I liked the title and figured I'd just spell it the way I think it should be spelled and then write a humorous piece explaining how/why I'm right. Stay tuned for said humor.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

One Soldier's Perspective, Part 2

War is an ugly thing, but not the ugliest of things. The decayed and degraded state of moral and patriotic feeling which thinks that nothing is worth war is much worse. The person who has nothing for which he is willing to fight, nothing which is more important than his own personal safety, is a miserable creature and has no chance of being free unless made and kept so by the exertions of better men than himself.”

John Stuart Mill
English economist & philosopher (1806 - 1873)

When I was a Smack (freshman) at the Air Force Academy, we had an entire book of knowledge that we were required to commit to memory. Inside this book were quotes from famous generals, admirals and other people of consequence from history. After 16 years, this is one of the quotes that I can still remember word for word. Of course the Air Force was using this quote to help train the young and influential Smacks, to make them understand what their future role would be in the Air Force.

I think about this quote almost every day. Not always in a serious note and not always with war as my reference. I think about this quote when someone asks me why I joined the military and why I served my country. I felt called to do so. What do you feel called to do?

When I think about the first time my unit came back from the Middle East, I think of this quote. I think of all the people in our country, no matter their political course, supporting each other and helping us cope with a tremendous tragedy. All of my Airlift Groups aircraft and personnel made it home from the Middle East in the middle of March of 2002. When we landed our spectacular formation taxied onto the tarmac, I could not believe the sight. Thousands of people, Fox News, CNN and the big three all had cameras and crews. It was an amazing event. I felt pride; I felt like the person that Mr. Mills wrote about.

Do you have to go to war to find your reflection in this quote? No, there are other wars to fight in our country. There are more than I can name. Care about something, fight for that cause. Make this country a better place. It is not only our right, but our responsibility. It is okay to not agree with others that are trying to make our country better. They have the same passion as you. Work towards the common goal: a better United States. Serve your country.

R.J. Strapper
US Air Force Academy, Class of 1997
317th Airlift Group, 40th Airlift Squadron, Air Mobility Command. We flew the mighty C-130H.

See Part 1 here

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